This thesis speculates on the future of the urban city. By 2050 it is estimated that 75% of the world’spopulation will be living in an urban environment. I am investigating sustainable food productionand how it is responding to the fast-growing urban population. By examining this, it allows us toexplore different ways we can utilise urban agriculture to reimagine urban communities.
Indoor farming is a result of technological advancement in food production. It creates a controlledenvironment with circulating hydration systems to grow food faster and sustainably. It eliminatesthe use of soil, reduces farm waste, and allows for high yields independent of natural seasons orlocation. The ultimate indoor climate control also ensures the production is organic.Using comparative research of conventional and urban farming, this design aims to mitigatecapitalistic damage of food industry. Building numerous small urban farms across the city will create business opportunities, bringing back competitive rates of fresh produce and increasing the variety of agricultural products available.
There is evidence to show that digital lifestyles, modernisation of production processes and AI takeover have disconnected people from one another, preventing them from making strong community bonds or having the sense of ownership in the local neighbourhood. Using an allotmentanalogy for the basis of communal indoor farming, I am proposing private non-commercialstructures that will house community focused urban agriculture. Shared facilities will create bondingexperiences and nurture the sense of belonging and ownership. With this proposal I am hoping tomake urban agriculture an essential part of our city lives, thus promoting and creating an awarenesson sustainable food production and healthy lifestyle.
This thesis brings rural food production back into our lives in the shape of urban agriculture and usesit as a tool to alleviate poverty, social inequality, promote healthy living, fight climate change, createemployment opportunities and ensure food security in an urban city such as Glasgow.